The Patriots

The Fall tried to end Our Fathers’ legacy.
It failed.
We Are Their Legacy.
The Fall attempted to destroy our heritage by flooding our home in a deluge of carnage and despair. Instead of ruining the earth, it cultivated, tempered, and prepared the terrain for the strong roots of their descendants to take hold and emerge from the land unyielding and victorious.
The tougher the land, the stronger the roots.
We rebuild this land based on the ideals of our fathers, by utilizing their knowledge, and capitalizing on their discoveries. These heirlooms grant our children the opportunity to leapfrog into the future and make a better world that unites us all. Why make our children have to rediscover fire?
Why reinvent the wheel?
The roots of freedom began with our forefathers. They fought for their freedom and they fought for the freedom of others. They believed freedom belonged to all men and no man had the right to take another man’s freedom.
We believe that same truth.
We follow in their footsteps.