Sophia Hernandez
The Deputy Director - Epik
Subject - Dep. Director Hernandez - CartNet ID: 9549112
////Cartel Archive - Access Level Amber - Request Accepted////
Hernandez dislikes working with people, and most people dislike being forced to work with her. Her personality is not suited for public relations, and she has expressed no interest in improving. Despite that fact, rumors have it Director Beckett assigned her this task in an attempt to groom her as his replacement when he retires.
a.k.a. Beckett's Shadow - Rare
Subject - Dep. Director Hernandez - CartNet ID: 9549112
////Cartel Archive - Access Level Amber - Request Accepted////
The nickname “Beckett’s Shadow” refers to Sophia’s skill set being the polar opposite of the Director’s. Where he is caring, she is distant and unfriendly. He is competitive; she is efficient. When he makes promises, she makes sure he can keep them.
The Efficient - Uncommon
Subject - Dep. Director Hernandez - CartNet ID: 9549112
////Cartel Archive - Access Level Amber - Request Accepted////
Sophia has never once in her life applied for a job. Instead, through no ambition of her own, The Cartel has recruited her for every career advancement…
…Hernandez strives for efficiency in both life and work. Often viewed as elitist and aloof, she has few if any social skills and prefers to work alone.
Sophia Hernandez - Common
Subject - Dep. Director Hernandez - CartNet ID: 9549112
////Cartel Archive - Access Level Amber - Request Accepted////
Sophia Hernandez graduated top of her class, excelling in physics, mathematics, and PostFall economics. She began her career at nineteen, serving as personal assistant to Director Beckett. She became Deputy Director in 57AF.