Mid-Atlantic Gangs
Grey Eagles
Renowned for strength, power and lofty ideals of freedom, the Grey Eagles believe the world should be free of the laws set by the various factions. Just like the eagles flying freely in the sky, the Grey Eagles believe it is their right to do as they please.
Blue Vultures
The Blue Vultures are not a group to be trifled with. While their preferred targets are the sick, wounded, and isolated, they have no issue with attacking healthy specimens. They feel that all men are merely walking corpses with loot to pick off.
The Reapers
There are many who believe the Fall was some sort of divine intervention, and that survivors are merely those living on borrowed time. The Reapers aid in collecting the wayward souls in hopes of appeasing Death.
The Brass Boars
Resilient and strong like their namesake, the Brass Boars are not to be taken lightly. Tenacious and highly adaptive, the members of this group are especially territorial, and will destroy anyone who stands in their way. If you happen to cross their path, you’d better be ready for a fight.
The Untamed
The Untamed are comprised of people who feel that the factions are trying to bend others to their will and ideals. Fleeing the settlements to free themselves from the grip of the factions, the Untamed tend to stay far on the outskirts, away from other communities. Those loyal the factions’ ideals should watch their backs while crossing through Untamed territory.