
"The Harbingers live on stage, with opening act, YOU!"

Razor Edge Games is looking to have your music in our game! Eden Falling is a post apocalyptic wasteland on the verge of destruction around every corner. However, in the small pockets of civilization left, music is used to bring back some semblance of the old world. Want to get your music in the game? We do! Razor Edge Games wants to add your bands music to the world of Eden Falling. You can be heard on the radios in settlements, be featured on posters and even possibly seen your video in bars around the settlements in the game.

Fill out the form below to submit your music. When sending in your submission we are needing to get your contact info, what genre of music you play and a compressed file of a demo track of  your music or a music video, minimum 1 minute long so we can get a feel for your music. You can upload a wav or mp3 up to 20mb. Deadline for the submissions is End of April and shortly after that we will be reaching out to the bands that we feel are a good fit for the world of Eden Falling...

If selected, the amount of "promotion" your act will get within the game will be based around the amount of promotion you give for Epocylipse the AfterFall... A more detailed description will be given by our Music Team Lead and Assistant Lead.

Checkout the updated news post featuring the audition press release on the News Page.


    Your Name

    Band Name

    Contact Phone Number

    Your Email


    Your Message

    Demo Reel