Razor Edge Games Partners with iGames.gg for Eden Falling Closed Alpha Steam Key Giveaways 

Phoenix, Arizona, July 12th, 2021-


Razor Edge Games is beginning a preliminary Closed Alpha Test on July 15th, 2021. Games industry promotional agency iGames.gg will be giving away Steam keys for Eden Falling on their own iGames.gg site and their clients’ platforms. Razor Edge Games will give away a first round of 50,000 Steam keys in total, with some reserved for gaming websites outside iGames’ network. Interested parties from gaming websites should contact Marketing@RazorEdgeGames.com before July 14th for inquiries about getting first-batch keys to give away. 


Eden Falling Alpha Testers will be able to look forward to exclusive in-game rewards for their feedback and participation in the early stages of the game. We are still early in development and everything is subject to change before actual release.


This is a closed Eden Falling Alpha Test 1 demo, only those with an invite/key can join. By accepting and redeeming a Key for the Eden Falling Alpha Test 1 demo you are agreeing to the Terms of Service and to abide by the Code of Conduct. 


Razor Edge Games looks forward to all the valuable feedback and diverse perspectives so many new testers will bring to Eden Falling. 


About Eden Falling: 

In Eden Falling, you are a survivor, chosen by a mysterious benefactor to travel and explore the unforgiving wastelands. Explore alone or with friends, shape your destiny and create your legend. 


Will you make your mark on the world or will you just be a mark?


It’s up to you— In the gritty hardtack world of Eden Falling, choices matter. Your game world will change, depending on how you answer questions, travel the lands, and which linear quests you choose to take on-- or forego. 


Craft high-tech weapons and gear, take on contracts to protect the locals from violent marauders, hunt terrifying ferals (mutated humans), and navigate the merciless politics of a savage new Earth. With seven distinctive factions to garner reputation and infamy among, opportunities for intrigue abound.


As you pass on your experience to the next generation through your companions and offspring, the world you’ve helped create continues to grow and change. Each game will be a rollercoaster of emotions and an adventure you can share with others in the community. 


Step into the world of Eden Falling and discover if you have what it takes to survive in a fallen world.




  • Everchanging World - The world of Eden Falling is always changing and evolving. No two games will ever be the same.
  • Destiny Points - Earn the chance to change your fate and have your legacy carried on.
  • Perma-Death - When you die, it's game over forever for that character, but if you play your points right, perhaps a companion or an offspring can carry on your legacy
  • Companion System - Followers will learn, develop skills, and may be playable upon character’s death, that is, if they stick around...
  • Character Aging - Abilities and skills deteriorate as the character visibly ages. Just like life, everything fades with time.
  • Customize - Characters, clothing, equipment, weapons, and vehicles are all highly customizable, because no two gamers are the same and their gear shouldn't be either.
  • Usage-Based Skill System - Skills remain sharp with frequent use, degradation occurs from neglect. So keep up, and keep sharp.
  • Single Player, Local Multiplayer, and Online Multiplayer. Play how you desire in Eden Falling.
  • Reputation - Obtain companions, influence Factions, commerce, and players can even build a unique faction of their own design. Reputation is everything.
  • Turn-Based Combat - With cinematic camera and companion control.
  • PvE and PvP Combat.
  • Massive world - With over 30,000 locations to explore and a day-night cycle. Play how you want, where you want, when you want. 

Mike Weiser CEO:

“Our mission at Razor Edge Games is to bring cutting-edge RPGs to the digital world”. 


About Razor Edge Games

Razor Edge Games is an independent gaming studio. We are a diverse collective of more than 140 passionate artists and gamers from around the globe with diverse backgrounds and experience levels, based in Gilbert, Arizona. With a passion for tabletop gaming and traditional RPGs in its DNA, our studio is hard at work on its debut game, Eden Falling, with several more exciting projects planned for future. 

Our mission is to create replayable, content-driven experiences fueled by innovation. REG independence means not having to adhere to flashy trends, stuffy board members, and corporate Yes-Men who rehash the same tiring games over and over. We are risk-takers with the vision to take the gaming experience far beyond traditional industry norms. We aim to give the gamer full control of their own experience.

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